The Medieval Ages (330-1629)
Explore the Middle Ages...

General Overview:

Western Europe: The Kingdom Of The Franks
The Black Death
Eastern Europe: The Byzantine Empire
The Muslim World
Islam vs. Christianity
Africa: Ancient Ghana 
China: The Ming Dynasty

    The Middle Ages cover about 1,000 years, from about AD 500 to about AD 1500. The change from ancient ways to medieval customs came so slowly, however, that it is hard to tell exactly when the Middle Ages began. Some historians say that the Middle Ages began in 476 AD, when the barbarian Odoacer overthrew the emperor Romulus Augustulus, ending the Western Roman Empire. Other historians give the year 410, when Alaric, king of the Visigoths, demolished Rome. Still others say about AD 500 or even later. It is  hard to determine exactly when the Middle Ages ended, for significant events leading to the modern age took place at different times. Historians say  that the Middle Ages ended with the fall of Constantinople, in 1453; with the discovery of America, in 1492; or with the beginning of the Reformation, in 1517.